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Jag läser David Moodys bok Trust just nu. Den finns alldeles gratis att läsa online. Du hittar den här. Kan starkt rekommendera att ni gör det! Om boken står det så här:
What is an anti-science-fiction novel? Moody describes TRUST as the story of ‘one man struggling to find his place in a rapidly changing world, which just happens to have recently been changed forever by the arrival of intelligent life from another planet. It’s exactly what WAR OF THE WORLDS, INDEPENDENCE DAY, V, and all the other alien invasion stories you remember isn’t.’
The book is about an ordinary man and his family, friends and relationships. As you’d expect, therefore, it contains strong language and some scenes of a sexual nature.
Mitt citat är hämtat från inledningen av boken:

What is an anti-science-fiction novel? Moody describes TRUST as the story of ‘one man struggling to find his place in a rapidly changing world, which just happens to have recently been changed forever by the arrival of intelligent life from another planet. It’s exactly what WAR OF THE WORLDS, INDEPENDENCE DAY, V, and all the other alien invasion stories you remember isn’t.’
The book is about an ordinary man and his family, friends and relationships. As you’d expect, therefore, it contains strong language and some scenes of a sexual nature.
Mitt citat är hämtat från inledningen av boken:
Another flash of light. This time I’m looking down at my feet when it hits, but the lightning illuminates everything like someone’s taking photographs of the lone idiot out running. I splash through a puddle that’s too big to run around and I’m taken by surprise when it’s deeper than I expect. The ice-cold water soaks my feet, adding to the misery, but I keep going. I fix my eyes dead ahead, trying to pick out the outline of my bungalow on the hillside, aiming for home.
Wait. What was that?
Something’s not right.
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